Thu, 14 May 2009

7:56 PM - NBC Sucks (again)

This time, they decided to kill two of the shows I like!  Knight Rider and Life have been cancelled now for the Fall.   I don't get what's going through their minds.  The new shows look stupid.  I won't even try watching them as they'll just get cancelled.  The network doesn't keep shows running or give them time to get a base.  With Monk leaving the air after this season, there won't be a lot left to replace it for me.

tags: sucks nbc


Sat, 16 May 2009

9:32 AM - Why Amazon Unbox sucks

Amazon unbox service runs on Windows.  Some users of Windows experience problems that require an OS reinstall or even a revert to a previous checkpoint.  The product activation can be lost in these cases.  This means you lose videos that you purchased.  Amazon makes you rebuy videos because Windows has bugs.

At least with iTunes, you can reset it every year (computer count).  Worst case you have to wait a year to get your content back.  It's not gone forever.  

Ways they could improve the service:

1. allow you to deactivate a computer from the web, see a list and make sure it's dead jim.

2. Don't do it in the uninstaller!  What if it goes wrong?  

3. Allow people to reset their activations once in a while.  Just require a net connection periodically to "verify" even.  I don't care as long as I don't lose my damn videos.

4. Ideally provide support for other operating systems.  I know this is a long shot.

5. Give me ANY reason to like it over iTunes.


tags: amazon unbox sucks


Sat, 25 Sep 2010

6:32 PM - Advertising in software

Today, I got an ad from my antivirus software for a useless utility product.  I hate ads in software I have purchased.  I can deal with it in games when it's product placement to a degree to cover costs like servers for multiplayer.  However, when I bought antivirus software from a SECURITY company, I expect it to be free of bullshit.  

My product expires in October so I'm going to try out the free Microsoft security essentials software then instead of buying an AV program.  I haven't found one virus the entire year which means either I'm at a low thread level or the software didn't work.  Either way, I don't see the point of spending $50 to protect our 3 inferior Windows boxes. 

tags: sucks ads spam lack security av
