1:24 PM - (no subject)
laffer1 src/usr.sbin/adduser adduser.sh 1.3 1.4
Lists all of the journal entries for the day.
laffer1 src/usr.sbin/adduser adduser.sh 1.3 1.4
laffer1 mports/x11-wm/openbox Makefile 1.4 1.5 pkg-plist 1.3 1.4
laffer1 mports/x11-wm/fvwm2 Makefile 1.2 1.3 distinfo 1.1 1.2
laffer1 mports/x11-wm/fvwm2 Makefile 1.3 1.4
laffer1 mports/x11-wm/enlightenment-docs Makefile 1.2 1.3 distinfo 1.1 1.2 pkg-plist 1.1 1.2
laffer1 mports/x11-wm/enlightenment Makefile 1.4 1.5 distinfo 1.3 1.4 pkg-plist 1.3 1.4
laffer1 mports/x11-wm/enlightenment/files patch-src_aclass.c NONE 1.1 patch-src_lang.c 1.1 NONE patch-src_magwin.c NONE 1.1 patch-src_menus-misc.c NONE 1.1
laffer1 mports/audio/mpg123 Makefile 1.4 1.5 distinfo 1.1 1.2
laffer1 mports/audio/mpg123/files patch-CAN-2004-0991 1.1 NONE patch-aa 1.1 NONE patch-ab 1.1 NONE patch-ac 1.1 NONE patch-ae 1.1 NONE patch-af 1.1 NONE patch-ag 1.1 NONE patch-ah 1.1 NONE patch-ai 1.1 NONE patch-aj 1.1 NONE patch-buffer.c 1.1 NONE patch-common.c 1.1 NONE patch-httpget.c 1.1 NONE patch-layer2.c 1.1 NONE
laffer1 mports/audio/mpg123 pkg-plist NONE 1.1
laffer1 mports/net/sixxs-aiccu - New directory NONE NONE
laffer1 mports/net/sixxs-aiccu/files - New directory NONE NONE
laffer1 mports/net Makefile 1.98 1.99
laffer1 mports/net/sixxs-aiccu Makefile NONE 1.1 distinfo NONE 1.1 pkg-descr NONE 1.1 pkg-plist NONE 1.1
laffer1 mports/net/sixxs-aiccu/files patch-common-ayiya.c NONE 1.1 patch-common-common.h NONE 1.1 patch-common-tun.c NONE 1.1 patch-unix-Makefile NONE 1.1 sixxs-aiccu.in NONE 1.1