11:35 AM - (no subject)
laffer1 mports/ftp/gnustep-ftp Makefile 1.3 1.4 distinfo 1.1 1.2 pkg-plist 1.2 1.3
Lists all of the journal entries for the day.
laffer1 mports/ftp/gnustep-ftp Makefile 1.3 1.4 distinfo 1.1 1.2 pkg-plist 1.2 1.3
laffer1 mports/games/nextgo Makefile 1.4 1.5 distinfo 1.1 1.2
laffer1 mports/games/oolite Makefile 1.2 1.3 distinfo 1.1 1.2
laffer1 mports/games/oolite/files pkg-message.in 1.1 1.2
laffer1 mports/devel/gvfs Makefile 1.7 1.8 distinfo 1.1 1.2 pkg-plist 1.2 1.3
laffer1 mports/devel/gvfs/files patch-Makefile.in 1.1 1.2 patch-hal_ghalvolume.c 1.1 NONE patch-monitor_gphoto2_ggphoto2volume.c NONE 1.1
laffer1 mports/Mk/components sites.mk 1.5 1.6
laffer1 mports/Mk/components sites.mk 1.6 1.7
laffer1 mports/Mk/components sites.mk 1.7 1.8
laffer1 mports/Mk/components sites.mk 1.8 1.9
laffer1 mports/Mk/components sites.mk 1.9 1.10
laffer1 mports/Mk/components sites.mk 1.10 1.11
laffer1 mports/security/dirmngr Makefile 1.6 1.7 distinfo 1.2 1.3 pkg-plist 1.1 1.2
laffer1 mports/security/dirmngr/files patch-jnlib-logging.c 1.1 NONE
laffer1 www/notes 0.1.1-release.html NONE 1.1 index.html 1.5 1.6
laffer1 www/notes index.html 1.6 1.7
laffer1 www/notes/0.1 - New directory NONE NONE
laffer1 www/notes index.html 1.7 1.8
laffer1 www/notes/0.1 errata.html NONE 1.1 index.html NONE 1.1 notes.html NONE 1.1
laffer1 www/notes/0.1.1 - New directory NONE NONE
laffer1 www/notes index.html 1.8 1.9
laffer1 www/notes/0.1.1 errata.html NONE 1.1 index.html NONE 1.1
laffer1 www/notes 0.1.1-release.html 1.1 NONE
laffer1 www/notes/0.1.1 index.html 1.1 1.2
laffer1 www/notes/0.2 - New directory NONE NONE
laffer1 www/notes/0.2 errata.html NONE 1.1 index.html NONE 1.1 notes.html NONE 1.1
laffer1 mports/security/gnupg Makefile 1.11 1.12 distinfo 1.6 1.7 pkg-plist 1.4 1.5
laffer1 mports/security/gnupg/files patch-Makefile.in 1.4 NONE
laffer1 mports/textproc/intltool Makefile 1.4 1.5 distinfo 1.2 1.3 pkg-plist 1.3 1.4
laffer1 mports/textproc/intltool/files patch-configure 1.3 1.4
laffer1 mports/x11-toolkits/libgnomeui Makefile 1.4 1.5 distinfo 1.3 1.4 pkg-plist 1.2 1.3
laffer1 mports/misc/hicolor-icon-theme/files - New directory NONE NONE
laffer1 mports/misc/hicolor-icon-theme Makefile 1.5 1.6 distinfo 1.2 1.3 pkg-install 1.2 NONE pkg-plist 1.1 1.2
laffer1 mports/misc/hicolor-icon-theme/files pkg-install.in NONE 1.1
laffer1 mports/misc/gnome-icon-theme Makefile 1.5 1.6 distinfo 1.3 1.4 pkg-plist 1.3 1.4
laffer1 mports/x11-themes/icon-naming-utils Makefile 1.2 1.3 distinfo 1.2 1.3
laffer1 mports/misc/iso-codes Makefile 1.8 1.9 distinfo 1.7 1.8 pkg-plist 1.5 1.6
laffer1 mports/misc/localedata Makefile 1.3 1.4
laffer1 mports/misc/compat4x Makefile 1.4 1.5
laffer1 mports/misc/wminfo Makefile 1.2 1.3
laffer1 mports/misc/wmScoreBoard Makefile 1.3 1.4
laffer1 mports/audio/mpg123 Makefile 1.3 1.4
laffer1 mports/benchmarks/dbs Makefile 1.2 1.3
laffer1 mports/comms/comserv Makefile 1.1 1.2
laffer1 mports/converters/libiconv Makefile 1.5 1.6
laffer1 mports/deskutils/hot-babe Makefile 1.2 1.3
laffer1 mports/deskutils/toolbox Makefile 1.4 1.5
laffer1 mports/deskutils/toolbox distinfo 1.1 1.2
laffer1 mports/deskutils/toolboxkit Makefile 1.3 1.4 distinfo 1.1 1.2
laffer1 mports/deskutils/etoile-extendedworkspacekit Makefile 1.8 1.9 distinfo 1.1 1.2
laffer1 mports/deskutils/etoile-hardware Makefile 1.3 1.4 distinfo 1.1 1.2
laffer1 mports/deskutils/etoile-lookandbehavior Makefile 1.3 1.4 distinfo 1.1 1.2
laffer1 mports/deskutils/etoile-servicesbarkit Makefile 1.5 1.6 distinfo 1.1 1.2
laffer1 mports/deskutils/etoile-trackerkit Makefile 1.6 1.7
laffer1 mports/devel/apache-ant Makefile 1.2 1.3 distinfo 1.1 1.2
laffer1 mports/devel/autoconf213 Makefile 1.8 1.9 distinfo 1.1 1.2
laffer1 mports/devel/cvs2svn Makefile 1.3 1.4 distinfo 1.1 1.2
laffer1 mports/devel/libexecinfo Makefile 1.2 1.3 distinfo 1.1 1.2
laffer1 mports/devel/newt Makefile 1.1 1.2 distinfo 1.1 1.2
laffer1 mports/devel/json-glib Makefile 1.1 1.2 distinfo 1.1 1.2
laffer1 mports/games/linux-enemyterritory-omni-bot Makefile 1.3 1.4 distinfo 1.2 1.3
laffer1 mports/games/linux-enemyterritory-shrub Makefile 1.3 1.4 distinfo 1.1 1.2
laffer1 mports/irc/bitlbee Makefile 1.7 1.8 distinfo 1.4 1.5
laffer1 mports/java/jad Makefile 1.1 1.2 distinfo 1.1 1.2
laffer1 mports/lang/f2c Makefile 1.1 1.2 distinfo 1.1 1.2
laffer1 mports/lang/ghc Makefile 1.1 1.2 distinfo 1.1 1.2
laffer1 mports/lang/perl5.8 Makefile 1.13 1.14 distinfo 1.2
laffer1 mports/lang/perl5.8 Makefile 1.14 1.15 distinfo 1.2 1.3 pkg-plist 1.5 1.6
laffer1 mports/lang/perl5.8/files patch-perl.c NONE patch-utf-regcomp 1.1 NONE
laffer1 mports/mail/alpine Makefile 1.5 1.6 distinfo 1.2 1.3
laffer1 mports/mail/wpop3d distinfo 1.2 1.3
laffer1 mports/multimedia/etoile-babbler Makefile 1.2 1.3 distinfo 1.1 1.2
laffer1 mports/multimedia/etoile-multimediakit Makefile 1.4 1.5 distinfo 1.1 1.2
laffer1 src/share/mk bsd.own.mk 1.4 1.5
laffer1 src/bin/mksh Makefile 1.9 1.10
laffer1 src Makefile.inc1 1.13 1.14
laffer1 src Makefile.inc1 1.14 1.15
laffer1 src/tools/build/options WITHOUT_ASH NONE 1.1 makeman 1.2
laffer1 src Makefile.inc1 1.15 1.16
laffer1 src UPDATING 1.56 1.57
laffer1 src UPDATING 1.57 1.58
laffer1 src Makefile.inc1 1.16 1.17
laffer1 src/bin Makefile 1.14 1.15
laffer1 src/bin/mksh Makefile 1.10 1.11
laffer1 src/tools/build Makefile 1.2 dummy.c 1.2
ctriv src Makefile.inc1 1.17 1.18