7:38 PM - MidnightBSD on AWS
I am experimenting with MidnightBSD on AWS. It's possible to take the memstick image of 0.8.5 and modify it to enable the network interface, sshd and a test user to ssh in and then create a AWS AMI. So far, I've gotten it to boot to a login prompt.
The EC2 steps are as follows:
ec2-import-volume ~/memstick -f RAW --region us-east-1 -z us-east-1a -s 10 -d "MidnightBSD 0.8.5" -O "${AWS_ACCESS_KEY}" -W "${AWS_SECRET_KEY}" -o "${AWS_ACCESS_KEY}" -w "${AWS_SECRET_KEY}" -b "mnbsd-vm"
find out if it's done converting
ec2-describe-conversion-tasks -O ${AWS_ACCESS_KEY} -W ${AWS_SECRET_KEY} --region us-east-1
create a snapshot (get volume id for last arg from previous command)
ec2-create-snapshot -O "${AWS_ACCESS_KEY}" -W "${AWS_SECRET_KEY}" --region us-east-1 -d "MidnightBSD 0.8.5" vol-0d149b0dfc22962b1
check on snap
ec2-describe-snapshots -O "${AWS_ACCESS_KEY}" -W "${AWS_SECRET_KEY}" --region us-east-1
register ami (snap argument shown from last command)
ec2-register -n "MidnightBSD 0.8.5" -O "${AWS_ACCESS_KEY}" -W "${AWS_SECRET_KEY}" --region us-east-1 -a x86_64 -d "MidnightBSD 0.8.5 AMD64 Test" --root-device-name /dev/sda1 --virtualization-type hvm -s snap-0a7bb785269bfb08e