Mon, 7 May 2007

3:29 AM - Its native time

I was going to write about my progress with pidgin tonight.  Its now included in ports (2.0 beta 7) with 2.0 release almost working. 

I could write about how ctriv has fixed many of the ports in devel and several other categories lately.

That's not the big news though.  One of our largest hurdles has been getting a native web browser on MidnightBSD.  When I say native, I mean really native.  Opera was working before our mports fake changes, but that's technically a FreeBSD binary and it won't be "native" forever.  Tonight, I managed to get mozilla 1.7 semi working on my box.  Currently only the browser component (Navigator) is compiling with debug flags.  The fake and install targets aren't up to snuff yet so you can't install it just yet, but its possible to run it.  In fact, I'm writing this post from native mozilla!  Even after I get this working much better, we'll have to figure out how to unbrand it since we can't distribute official builds of their browsers. 

Archite did most of the work on mozilla.  He should get most of the credit. 

I don't know if we will make the June date for release or not now.  It might be possible to do it.