2:12 PM - Bind 9.3.4, Sendmail, Archite, and Status
I've been working on importing Bind 9.3.4 into the tree. Its imported and compiling on three different ia32 machines. It still requires further testing. I'm going to upgrade my secondary dns server tonight and see how well it runs.
Bind 9.3.4 was also updated/added to mports.
I noticed sendmail did a new release. I'll start looking at that when I get some more time.
Also, lets welcome back our security officer. Adam has been busy and PCless for the last month or so.
Finally, my work on mports has paid off. The index is in much better shape. We have most of KDE available. joe was added to editors last night. I'm attempting a snap build of amd64 right now with mports included. It also includes the bind update.