9:38 AM - GNUstep, others
Some progress was made on GNUstep yesterdeay. gnustep-make, gnustep-base and gnustep-objc are working. I've got gnustep-back compiling but there are a few optional dependancies i'd like to get fixed and more testing needs to be done. Its possible that we may have a working GNUstep environment by Monday. I've done my testing on a system with a wiped /usr/local and /usr/X11R6. I'd like to do a fresh install and test the ports soon to verify they are 100% ok.
I looked at apache 2.2 and determined we need to get Python working for the port. There are more serious issues with python so it may be awhile. While we are a desktop project, many people do test web apps on their own machines, etc. I also want to be able to run on MidnightBSD.
Several window managers are available now. I added windowmaker yesterday.
Finally, we hope to test etoile after the GNUstep issues are sorted out.