Lists all of the journal entries for the day.

Mon, 25 Aug 2008

3:48 PM - The 64 million dollar question

When is 0.2 coming?  Very soon.  I'm doing one last magus run for testing.  Run 98 will be tagged upon completion pending any new issues.  That will conclude mports for this release.

Here is a list of remaining task prior to 0.2 release: 

  • Placing run 98's binaries (magus) on the FTP server
  • Changing the name of the release in the src code (0.2-RELEASE)
  • Making last minute adjustments to src/release and sysinstall to handle the packages we generated.
  • Fixing the csup/cvsup files and src/Makefile to point to the cvs branch
  • Creating a test iso set on x86 to find any last minute problems.
  • Tag the src tree
  • Build the final isos 

tags: midnightbsd mports release


3:53 PM - mports status

mports are in the best condition in months.  Run 96 on magus had only 11 failures and very few untested ports.  Anyone holding off on updating mports, should consider grabbing a copy.

Please report any ports that are misbehaving as we want this to be very good for the release. 

tags: midnightbsd mports
