Lists all of the journal entries for the day.

Wed, 27 Sep 2006

5:14 PM - New mports

Archite has been working on pkg_add and building packages for our ftp server.  Soon you'll be able to add mbsd packages instead of compiling all ports by hand.

analog, links1, html tidy, imlib,  x11/slim, x11/wdm, gtkmm (in various versions), gnustep based easydiff, timemon, renaissance, grouch, net/netclasses,  gnustep-examples and stepulator have been added recently to ports.

linux-thunderbird and linux-firefox-devel were updated.  This should resolve some security concerns. 

We've been mostly focusing on adding ports requested by users and ports needed for our upcomming beta release.  We are hoping to have a beta release built this weekend.  0.1-beta1 or something along those lines will be used for the release.  We hope to ship a 0.1 release this year and possible a .2 release around Christmas.  This first release has had quite a few changes in some areas.  We had hoped to do more with userland and the kernel but getting ports going has been quite time consuming.  We need a reasonable snapshot of our development to continue.  Creating a release will also allow users to do ftp installs and make it easier for developers to try out the system on a known stable version. 

While we still don't have a clear roadmap posted yet, here's a rough idea of what we hope to include in 0.2-release.

1. additional changes to ports based on feedback from 0.1 release
2. documentation.  Installation directions and directions for common tasks like grabbing ports, etc.
3. imports of newer binutils and gcc  (3.4.6 most likely) 
4. Consider updating software from the OpenBSD project after their 4.0 release including OpenSSH, OpenNTPD and so forth. 
5. Better integration with GNUstep. 
6 ... TBD

Peding issues for 0.1 beta include
1. installer fixes
2. adjusting make release procedure to handle mports and doc builds. 
3. snapshot builds.  We'd like to do one more snapshot and test installation before doing the first beta build.

known bugs:
The em driver issue has not yet been resolved.  Further testing is required to diagnose the problem, although its possibly access to certain datastructures outside a lock when trying to create a link.

The installer only works using the "minimal" install option.  We hope to fix this before the beta is released.


5:37 PM - Number of ports

A few people have been curious as to the number of ports we have in mports.  We currently have over 260 ports in mports known to work on x86. 
