Wed, 28 May 2008

3:24 PM - iDisappoint

Apple released an update for leopard 10.5.3. This update addresses several issues with Leoaprd,, but is not the big fix everyone had been hoping for.

Aside from the spaces issues, I don't think many of them will even effect my day to day use of my computer.


Tue, 27 May 2008

12:41 AM - Adding Open Directory users in OS X


# example
# 20 = staff group
# 7001 = available uid we know about
# adduser laffer1 7001 20 LucasHolt pass22 /Users/laffer1


dscl localhost << EOF
cd /LDAPv3/
auth diradmin diradmin's_password_here
create $user
create $user UserShell /bin/bash
create $user UniqueID $uid
create $user PrimaryGroupID $gid
create $user RealName $longname
create $user NFSHomeDirectory $homedir
passwd $user $password


11:56 AM - (no subject)


Sat, 24 May 2008

1:19 PM - Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull (Indy 4)

Spoiler alert!

Caryn and I went to see this movie yesterday evening. I had high hopes for the forth indy installment. I will start with the few good points. The side plot with his kid and marrian getting together worked out well. Most of the supporting cast from other movies is gone. Indy has new friends at the university and in his other work.

Now the bad. Interdimensional beings! I shit you not. They're not even aliens. I could have dealt with aliens. The other odd thing is that the communists are in the US or south america the whole time. Not even one shot of someone in the USSR.


Thu, 22 May 2008

12:30 AM - (no subject)

I can tell I'm grumpy again. I got angry with someone today because they hadn't been listening to me for some time about a permissions issue with their server. Normally it wouldn't phase me, but I can tell I'm short. I'm a bit tense right due to this math course. Not only do I need it to graduate in December, but it's a subject I'm not into. Most people consider it a hard class anyway and then compound it with my attitude about math and it's a nightmare.

The odd thing is that I got a perfect on the first quiz which never happens to me. Tonight I've been doing a few problems to help study for a quiz tomorrow. I got one problem wrong because I thought there was more to it than there was. The rest I've gotten right after I brushed up on integration. I should probably figure out how my calculator does integration so i can check answers on that. Half the notes I prepared for tomorrow are actually for integration issues and a brief overview of the properties for each case. (discrete versus continuous) I had to dig out my old calc book tonight and review. It's been > 5 years since I had to do calc.


12:28 AM - Kitty

Caryn and I saw an adorable cat at the petsmart. He's (?) 10 years old, black with short fur, and seems very friendly. We thought about adopting him, but we've already got three cats so a forth is questionable. I just feel sorry for that cat. His owners kicked him out because they had a baby!


12:27 AM - 386BSD and BSD 4.4 Lite ISOs

I found this site in germany with both 386BSD and BSD 4.4 Lite ISOs.

Kind of interesting historic perspective.

tags: bsd


Tue, 13 May 2008

11:42 AM - Had it with spam

* ^Subject:.Photoshop|MsOffice|photoshop|viagra|Viagra|OEM|0EM$
| /dev/null

This will block mail with the following subjects. Anyone who knows me will avoid these! As my spam load increases, I have to do dumb things to avoid looking at it! /dev/null can enjoy it.

tags: spam


Tue, 6 May 2008

6:51 PM - Tag clouds

I'm working on adding a tag cloud to Just Journal. I haven't really thought about it much, but there is a bit to it. You need to have frequency counts for tags and their names.

That can be found with this query:

SELECT, count(entry_tags.tagid) as num from entry_tags, tags WHERE entry_tags.tagid = GROUP BY name;

That will sort by the name, and give counts.

midnightbsd 2
justjournal 2


Then you need to find the min and max values for the frequency. Also, you need to choose how many different levels you want for presentation. Do you want 3 font sizes? use max - min / 3 to find the points where you want to change the font size.

The database schema is broken up into two tables with 2 fields each (in use).

tag id and tag name in the tags table. entry_tags associates a tag with a blog entry. You have an entryid and a tagid.

tags: tags justjournal software


6:17 PM - HP Upline

HP has a new backup product called upline. It's a web and application based backup solution for Windows based PCs.

I decided to give it a try. I love .Mac and saw this as a backup solution for my Windows box in which I lost homework and itunes content on last year.

The website is great. However, I'm not impressed with the windows client. It's a bit ugly, and suffers from one flaw. Users must pick what file types they want to backup. it shows folders it's scanning, but it doesn't backup the whole folder. I don't like this. My information is all stored in my profile in windows and I want a full backup of that folder. I don't know if this was a way to minimize disk space usage on their part or concerns of liability. Either way, I don't like it.

This product would have saved my music and word documents that were lost in my vista crash. I'm going to give it a little more time and see what they do with it.

There is a free trial for one year with 1GB of storage and the plans are reasonable with unlimited storage.

location: Home

tags: backup hp upline windows


Mon, 5 May 2008

5:51 AM - Early!

It's too early. I've been up since 1:30 a.m. I really can't stand these nights I can't sleep. I went to bed at like 9:30 p.m. to avoid this sort of problem. I'm sure it's just the new semester starting.

tags: early tired cantsleep


Sun, 4 May 2008

3:10 AM - Visited my mother

Caryn and I went to visit my mother today in Grand Blanc. It went pretty well. I didn't get her setup on that other computer completely because she lacked some parts. Maybe another time.

tags: mom flint


1:25 AM - oh that sucks

I'm just shy of a 3.0 right now. 2.97.... I really hate that!


Thu, 1 May 2008

10:35 PM - Build cluster

Chris and I went to EMU to work on the build cluster. We didn't get any new nodes up just yet, but we're close. Several are about half done. We were kicked out before we got a chance.


2:16 AM - pidgin fork

I'm still a bit surprised by the pidgin fork. The reason seems stupid, but I don't like the resizing box either. I've had some weird compile issues with the latest version too. SSL doesn't work right.


1:30 AM - Pidgin fork

I'm still a bit surprised by the pidgin fork. The reason seems stupid, but I don't like the resizing box either. I've had some weird compile issues with the latest version too. SSL doesn't work right.

location: Home


1:16 AM - OpenBSD has JDK 1.7

I'm impressed. It's GPL clean too. They have packages!

tags: openbsd


12:48 AM - Evening

Caryn and I went out to eat tonight. It was nice to get out. I went to starbucks earlier, but it wasn't a lot of time.

Sitting around the house is rough sometimes.

location: Home
music: R.E.M. - The One I Love


12:02 AM - It's May

My grades turned out ok. I got a B+ in Technical Editing which I feel is more than fair. That gives me the following grades: A B+ B+ C

I think that's decent!

location: Home
