Tue, 12 Aug 2008

6:43 PM - Air purifiers dangerous?

 Caryn and I bought an air purifier last year.  It has an ionizer that we rarely use, and a permanent filter.  I happened to see some posts on amazon.com talking about the dangers of ionizers, further calling them ozone generators.

I did some research.

Some ionizers are ozone generators.  Proponents of ozone generators say they kill bacteria, can clean the air.  This is false.  Ozone is toxic at high levels and can do very little at low levels with the air.  Further, it can negatively interact with some chemicals and cause problems with rubber.  High levels of ozone can cause problems with breathing, asthma, etc.  All ionizers have a small amount of ozone byproduct. Small levels are not dangerous and allowed by the EPA guidelines.  It is still not helping your air though.

The EPA recommends using HEPA filters and improving ventilation to keep the air fresh.  

More info against ozone:  (biased some as they are selling products)

negative ion generators

air testers

After reading this information, I think I'll avoid the ionizer and look into a hepa filter for my other bedroom.

tags: epa filter air quality