Sat, 24 Nov 2007

3:34 PM - First Year Sales: PS3 vs xbox 360 vs Wii

The PS3 has been sold as many times as the xbox 360 in first year sales.  The units are comparable and both are overshadowed by the Nintendo Wii. 

There have been many people who have reportedly bought multiple xbox 360s due to failures.  It would be interesting to subtract out duplicate purchases from the figures of each console.  I suspect that the PS3 has actually done better than the xbox in sales.  Remember that the core system was $300 which is half the price of the original PS3 units.  The real question is how many games are getting sold.  That is possibly a better indicator of sales volume.  Many people have speculated that Wii owners aren't buying games.  Unlike the hidef war, there could actually be a winner and loser in the game console war.