Thu, 15 Nov 2007

2:51 PM - 10 minutes with 10.5.1

I'm preparing for class, but I had an opportunity to work with the 10.5.1 update for 10 minutes. First observations:

  1. The firewall dialog has changed.  Instead of fixing it, they changed the text to something logical.  "Allow only essential services"   Better, but I want more control over the firewall. A "quick list" of built in OS X apps and services to allow is a good start. 
  2. Mail closes MUCH faster.  It is like night and day.  I'm quite happy with that.
  3. The finder seems to be working subtly better.  I don't know what it is, but it "feels" better.
  4. After another reinstall my wacom tablet is working.  I don't know if that will last
  5. It's a 40mb update.  Not "small"