5:14 PM - A bright spot
Caryn and I have had mixed feelings about our apartment. In many ways its superior to anything we had in Kalamazoo. It has a washer and dryer, fireplace, built in microwave, and dishwasher. There's even a storage room/furnace room that we have access to. However, a good share of these things have severe problems. Our storage room has a serious mold problem due to a leaking air conditioner upstairs. The complex painted it once and fixed some falling ceiling but never really solved the problem. The microwave turns off, requiring the power cord to be pulled to reset it. We just gave on this one and hooked up our own microwave. (its twice as powerful anyway) Finally, the worst offender is the washing machine. It has destroyed the flooring in our laundry room as it moves randomly. It rams the wall. It rams the dryer. It leaks. It makes the worst sound ever. Its a GE product. Today, the apartment complex finally decided that they were sick of hearing us and will replace our washer. I'm so happy. We were always behind on laundry simply because it got worse on the second and third loads. By the forth load in a row, it would be spitting out water and running around in a circle.