Fri, 5 Nov 2010

8:50 AM - (no subject)

I just renewed for another year.  I'm not using it much anymore but all my DNS servers are setup on that domain.  

I've been trying to track down a BSOD issue on my vista machine.  I updated the video and motherboard chipset drivers yesterday in hopes or resolving it.  It's been crashing in ACPI and nvidia's video driver.  The system was stable when I was running ATI cards in crossfire, just very slow.  At the same time I put in the video card, I also replaced the power supply.  It's hard to know which one is doing it.  It could even be extra heat from the new video card.  It only seems to do it when it's been on a long time.  (by long i mean a day or so)  I've also seen it crash in BSD, but I that is the cheap IDE raid controller which I don't use in windows.  

Later today, I'm driving to Southfield for some final paperwork before I start my new job.  I'm happy to be starting a new gig.  It took me a week to find it which is amazing with all the things I hear on TV about people looking.  I'm very lucky.