Fri, 28 Jul 2006

5:29 PM - 802.11 Wireless Security

I've been reading up on wireless security. I wondered if its possible for our neighbor to crack our wireless network. The short answer is yes.

I've always known wireless is suseptible to attack. I didn't realize how bad it really is. First, WEP security is useless. There are countless brute force programs that can find the key in minutes to a few hours. Mac address filtering is also practically useless. An attacker can determine MAC addresses used very easily. Next, WPA isn't much better. The first version was also crackable using tools. Most keys are very weak. Some new routers supporting WPA2 can allow you to use a key per MAC address. Those are considered the most secure at this point. I am using WPA2 personal on my wireless network. While its the most secure I can do right now, its not full proof. I found tools which I can't run that would allow me to attack. I need to buy a usb wireless device to use the windows or bsd (yes specificially) tools. Most tools currently run on linux though. I may start changing my key and perhaps write a program to generate one more often.

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mood: Sad Sad