Sat, 21 Nov 2009

12:22 PM - Job Fair

Yesterday, I went to the EMU job fair for CS and CIS.  I wasn't looking for a job.  I had to interview students for two positions.  It was a very strange experience.  A year ago, I was at that job fair looking for a job.  I had a few people I knew from EMU come up for jobs.  It was a bit awkward for me.  Some of them are good people, but not necessarily qualified for this position.  We did find a few people that  might work out.  

I just didn't picture myself interviewing people a year ago for anything. 

I ended up with three piles of resumes.  Those that could be candidates for the programming position, those that could do the tech support job, and those that I won't be contacting again.  I totally understand why people do that now.  

The most amazing thing to me was the number of candidates who didn't try to sell themselves.  I got a great deal of "I'm not good at that" or "I put that on my resume, but it's because I'm interested not because I understand..."  Wow.  There were several interesting stories, but I don't think it's all that appropriate to get specific on a public blog.