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Fri, 15 Sep 2023

4:17 PM - The problem with benchmarks

I frequently see folks arguing about CPUs to buy.  Many want everyone to buy a 5600x or 12600k or some other variant that's last gen and cheap.  The idea is that gamers don't need anything more so these should be the only choices for 99% of the world.  

The problem with that is gaming and even more specifically, people who would build their own PC also are a very niche group also.  If you think the most common workload should dictate all benchmarks, we'd only benchmark Microsoft Office apps and web browsers. That's what most people use a computer for right?  

Don't be that guy who thinks his own use case is the only one that matters.  

I care about compiler and lzma performance more than anything else when selecting a CPU.  Other people need to make youtube videos, play games, work on AI/ML workloads, CAD, or other tasks.  It's not universal. That's what is great about PCs and not so great about modern Macs.
