Lists all of the journal entries for the day.

Sun, 12 Feb 2017

1:26 PM - Spring fun

I've been woking on upgrading an app from Spring Boot 1.2.4 to 1.2.8. It seems that the app wouldn't work with any version past 1.2.5 and that turned out to be an issue with Jackson serialization. Back references were not working as expected. I ended up punting on it and making a new class to represent incoming post data and then transforming that into a valid entity. Things are going smoothly now.

location: Home


1:58 PM - Yale renames Calhoun college after Grace Hopper

I'm really happy that Yale decided to rename the building after Grace Hopper. Big influence on computer science.

tags: yale


1:59 PM - Mac Office macro malware

The first wild office macro virus for Mac OS X is out.

tags: mac


2:01 PM - Nintendo Wii U

I purchased a Wii U refurbished the other day. I was always skeptical after trying one out in Best Buy. Turns out the demos just sucked. I actually do like some of the games.

Ended up buying several Wii U games yesterday. Got pikman 3, Mario maker, new Super Mario bros u, donkey King tropical freeze and Zelda ww.

tags: wiiu


2:02 PM - Wordpress viruses are getting out of control

There are way too many sites out there that don't patch. Since wordpress is the most popular platform, it's an obvious thing to attack. I think they should develop some type of auto update mechanism for critical patches.

tags: wordpress


2:03 PM - 8th Gen Intel CPUs still slow

Intel has given up on another CPU generation getting any speed. More 14nm and no more cores. DEFAULT TO SIX CORE GUYS. Sell mobile chips with PERFORMANCE for power users.

tags: intel


2:05 PM - Run windows 3.11 from your browser

It's kind of amazing what they have been able to do with DosBox in browsers. You can now run Windows 3.1 in a web browser and play solitaire or minesweeper, old school!

tags: windows
