Lists all of the journal entries for the day.

Wed, 9 Mar 2011

5:12 PM - (no subject)

 I'm bored out of my mind.  I've been waiting for three days to get assigned work.  I managed to get multicast dns working on MidnightBSD.  I can resolve .local entries on the network at home (like my iMac) now with ease.  I shouldn't have enough time to do that at work! 

Apple stopped supporting my iPhone so I can' t get security updates anymore.  I have an iPhone 3G.  I guess it's time to start thinking about an upgrade. What's irritating is that the phone still works well. 

I've found that I missed several decent TV shows in the last few years.  I started watching Chuck a few months ago and it's quite a good show.  I also have been streaming Veronica Mars on Netflix.  It's not too bad.

Caryn won some moon pies from Zingermans bake house.  That's awesome.

I read about the new AMD/ATI Radeon 6990 that came out this week.  It's got 4GB of RAM and 2 GPUs with support for 6 monitors. It requires 450 watts of power.  That's more than my PC uses now just for the GPUs. 

There was a funny story on slashdot about how PCs are killing game consoles. I read articles last year that PC gaming was dead because of consoles.  This is a cycle people.  When the PS4 and the next xbox come out, it will be all about the consoles again.  I must admit that I play games on my PC more than my PS3 or Wii though.  Starcraft 2 is a good game.  
