Lists all of the journal entries for the day.

Sat, 29 Jan 2011

12:52 AM - MidnightBSD

I've been working on creating the next MidnightBSD release since November, 2008. Finally, it's getting tagged in CVS right now.

I just wish I didn't feel so terrible so I could get smashed to celebrate this rediculous, time consuming event's conclusion.

Remaiining steps include building the final source and making ISOs for i386 and amd64 architectures, writing the release notes, and announcing it to distrowatch and freshmeat.


12:54 AM - (no subject)

I've been strangely absent from my blogging lately.  Mostly, I've been microblogging on Twitter.  I broke 600 tweets this month. That's nothing right?

It's been a crazy month so far.  I've seen a number of coworkers depart including the guy who was going to train me on iPhone development.  I'm probably stuck with PHP now.  Several recruiters call me every day bugging me about job openings all over.  I've had people contact me about jobs I posted for in November this week. The amazing part is that they think I'm still available like there was no chance I could have found something in all this time.  I've been asked if I"m looking for something out of the state by my supervisor recently.  Is the universe trying to tell me something?

I admit PHP development isn't my favorite.  I find the language to be rough, inconsistent and broken between versions. It's very easy to learn and anyone with a CS background knows how bad it really is.  Many non programmers can pick it up easily.  Several of my coworkers don't have computer science or engineering backgrounds.  It shows.  Code quality isn't what I'd like to see.  Logging the same data to two places in the database in the exact same way, loading *DAOs inside a for loop,  storing everything in an associative array and then memcaching all of it, these are just a few of the examples I've seen. 

*DAO stands for data access objects.  It's a design pattern that's become popular with web applications where you store all your data access code (going to a database) that's related in a common class so you don't duplicate code.  You do your select, delete, insert and update statements in there.  Often times, you also create a data transfer object (DTO) to move data between the DAO and the middle tier.  In there case, it's always associative arrays.  

Apparently my father went into the hospital this month for several days and I found out the week after.  I don't speak to him anymore due to his inability to be a decent human being or love someone without strings like buying him things or giving him money.  Still, it sucks he's having more heart problems.  Most people think I'm the dick because I don't talk to him.  I don't really care anymore.  They don't know half the story.  

There are moments I'd like to put my life story in a blog post or book.  I really think people would be shocked.  Of course that would irritate my whole family.  Sometimes I think getting it out would make me feel much better.  I suppose I try to be rather boring now because of all the crap that happened to me.  It's just easier to avoid surprises.  

There was a whole lot more I was going to say, but I think I'll just get the midnightbsd release started and play starcraft 2.
