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Sun, 9 May 2010

10:01 AM - When the GNU makes no sense

According to this website, the GNU runs Debian Linux on servers.  They mention the use of non- Free software in Debian.  They justify the use citing the removal of this software.  However, the GNU recommends not using the software because other users are too stupid to know what non-Free software is.  

I find it amazing they don't drink their own kool-aid.  If you're going to recommend Linux distros to others, use them yourself.  It would be like me not running MidnightBSD on my webserver.  

Actually, their website should be running on GNU/HURD right now and not Linux.  

I've also noticed they're starting to call it the GNU Operating System now.  I've heard this rhetoric before.  When GNU HURD is usable, then they can claim they have an operating system.  The core of any operating system is it's kernel and they don't have one.  They have a dream of a kernel that they've restarted on at least three times.  The kernel is the most important part of any operating system.  Without a kernel, you have nothing. Your computer cannot do any useful function.

In other areas, they've also shown a defensive.  They stopped working with BSD projects on support for software components.  It's so bad that the BSD community is working on alternate compilers, assemblers, linkers, replacements for autoconf, etc.  The other day I read about an alternative to diff! 

Once again, the GNU has proven that the "GNU is not UNIX".  
