1:49 PM - The problem with BSD on the desktop
Like many BSD developers, I'm forced to use other operating systems for other tasks. Well that's not entirely accurate. I like to use many operating systems, because I have a passion for them. But, at the same time I try to improve the BSD experience to get my own work done. If I can get to a point that most of my tasks can be done within BSD and just run a VM for the few things I need to do in windows, great.
This creates a few problems though. First, I need to actually get a decent VM running on MidnightBSD. Porting virtual box has been very slow. Qemu has never been fast enough for my tastes. VMware won't run at all. Second, I need to come up with programs that can replace existing software I use or port that software when possible. Today, I just ported the mysql administrator and query browser tools to MidnightBSD. That's one less thing I need to worry about. We still need openjdk so I can do work. Firefox is running but it's only 3.0.x and I can't even call it that.