10:23 PM - Graduation
Yesterday, I participated in commencement at Eastern Michigan University. My parents, aunt nicki, and cousin sean attended along with Caryn. It was an interesting experience. An actor from Law and Order SVU was the guest speaker. He went to EMU for a few years and then went to NYC to act 35 years ago. My aunt's car had some battery trouble after the event. We got it jumped and she was able to get it repaired for a safe journey home. My parents joined Caryn and I downtime. We went to Seva for dinner. Then I had to complete an online final (history 103?) and then get some sleep for a final in the morning in COSC314 (Computational Discrete Structs). That was my last final.
I'll still be helping out at the CS department for a bit while they transition into my replacement; That involves some web application development and a little server administration. Kirk has been a good boss.
I'm also working on a project for my new job. It's PHP work. I probably shouldn't get into too much detail.
My father gave me a nice watch for graduation.