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Tue, 29 Apr 2008

2:08 PM - Sun doesn't get it

I just got this e-mail about project glassfish. It asked the question, "What is project glassfish for you?"

It's something that doesn't run on my operating system.

With Sun, everything is going open source, but they don't take patches upstream from other operating system vendors. Sure I can see the code, but I can't actually use it on anything but Linux or Solaris. What is the point?


2:11 PM - Grades so far

I got an A in Intro to Microprocessors and a B+ in Software Engineering.

I'm taking stats 360 in the spring. For Fall, I'm taking COSC314 (discrete 2), as well as, geography, philosophy, and history courses. I'll drop philosophy if I can get into computer documentation. Still waiting on that.

I only need two of those courses, but I might as well go full time in the fall.
