Lists all of the journal entries for the day.

Tue, 18 Sep 2007

10:49 AM - It's Official: Freedom of speech is out

This student was tasered for asking questions.  How dare he!  I'll agree he was emotional and perhaps they did have to ask him to leave, but it was clearly excessive force when 6 police officers were there.  Even the miranda rights state that you have the "right to remain silent" not that you must remain silent.  He asked them what he did wrong and got a shock for it. 

This guy didn't commit a crime.  They could ask him to leave and that is about it.  If he refused that request, they could escort him out. 


10:53 AM - This month so far

I haven't been blogging much.  Here's a brief rundown.

  • Caryn and I went to Kalamazoo for our anniversary.  It was very nice.  We went to the chappel at K college where we got married, out to dinner at the Blue Dolphin (rehersal dinner location), etc
  • Back to school.  I'm taking networking, stats and two English courses. 
  • My computer flipped out on Friday.  The display was black.  Part of the problem was a lose cable as the connector isn't very good on the video card and it doesn't hold.  However, the card is also not initializing the display (two different ones) sometimes regardless of the cable position.  The fan was clogged and cleaning that has minimized problems, but not completely stopped them.  Once the computer is up, it works as expected.  Very strange. 
  • The monitor on my Mac is cycling through blue, green and normal periodically.  The color is not consistent.  I'm waiting for a replacement.  It was bought in 2001.  15 inch displays suck anyway. 
  • My father had a birthday this month.  So far I haven't done anything for it just as he didn't send me a card or acknowledge my birthday.  He sent me an anniversary card, but that has a sore spot with me for another reason.  I don't feel like talking about it.  I had a few drinks on Sunday night and actually prepared an iCard with a picture of my cat's ass for him.  I didn't send it though.  .Mac allows you to use your own pictures.  All I wanted at my birthday was an email.  That's free.  I realize he doesn't have money.  I know the anniversary card was a ploy to get a good birthday gift. 


11:05 AM - Borked Intel iMac

At work we've got a 20 inch Intel iMac with four gouges in the screen.  It looks like someone hit it.  On the Internet, people refer to the behavior as the "white screen of death."   By using the external video port, we proved the system is booting and the display is broken.  I'm very unhappy with that outcome.  I suspect my boss will be even more pissed.  I hope whoever broke it can pay for it.  The computer isn't very old. 
