Lists all of the journal entries for the day.

Fri, 29 Jun 2007

4:27 PM - V for Vendeta IRL



4:30 PM - Wow..

OK, if the diapers are not for her, then why tell people that?  She had a great mental defense going and she blew it. 


4:31 PM - We'll never know

Now we'll never know about the WMD's!


5:12 PM - Wiiitis

Yeah... it's a condition now.


5:31 PM - Game Console sales

I found a wikipedia article about the "Console Wars."  It outlines the sales figures and winners of each generation since the atari 2600.  What I find interesting is that I haven't owned the winning game console since the NES and SNES.  (not counting handhelds) 

I loved the Genesis/CD/32x and the Dreamcast.  I never got a chance to buy a Saturn.  The TG16 was OK.  I had one for less than a year.  I had like 8 games for it or so.  The graphics sucked, but the real problem was the play control.  It had a NES style controller with built in turbo.  The Genesis and SNES had more buttons.  The real innovation was the buttons.  It made fighting games possible and really helped with sports titles. 
I might have gotten into the Playstation 1 if I didn't see it as a ripoff of the SNES.  The graphics really suck.  With the PS2, I had a negative feeling about their brand.  Sony killed Sega.  Now with the current generation, I actually like the PS3 better than the xbox360 which means Sony is probably screwed.  The problem with this generation is the broken xbox360s.  A recent slashdot article showed a guy with 11 broken consoles!  Microsoft can't build them right.  Once Microsoft launches the replacement system, xbox live will be cut off too.  Online gameplay is too useful. 
