Germans are in the process of making hacking tools illegal. This will not improve security in any fashion. Why? Network Administrators must use hacking and scanning tools to audit their own networks for security breaches. By making these tools illegal, Germans will no longer be able to secure their networks legally. Like most computer technologies, there are good uses as well as bad. Its similar to the media targeting sites like MySpace and LiveJournal because 1 sexual predator was found on the site. How many thousands of legit users are there? Someone can use a laptop to do harm to a hospital, bank or something else. Should all laptops be banned? Why not ban the hardware that runs the hacker tools? No need for computers right?
This will halt the movement toward open source and alternative operating systems in Germany. Most include basic "hacker tools". MidnightBSD, Linux, and maybe even Mac OS X will be banned. Why? OS X has included nmap and tcpdump in the past. We might be able to look at packets... oh no!