Lists all of the journal entries for the day.

Tue, 29 May 2007

12:16 AM - Cindy Sheehan gives up

Anti-war crusader Cindy Sheehan, best known for her stake out in Texas has called it quits.  It is quite sad that she lost her child and her husband over this oil grabbing exercise some think is liberating another country. I don't care about Iraqis as much as I do American lives lost for no apparent reason.  There were no WMDs found regardless if you believe Iraq had them.  I'm convinced the only WMDs they ever had were chemical weapons our country gave them years before.

Some have called her un-american.  Those people also praise people who stand up for their beliefs (only if they agree).  Isn't speaking out about something you believe freedom?  The first amendment protects our speech, and there is nothing more american that using that right.  I don't agree with everything she's said in the past, but that's her right to say it.


1:09 AM - Websites of the past

This will be my last blog entry.  I have class in the morning.  I just couldn't get to sleep after writing that rough draft. 

I looked at the wayback machine for tonight.  Its interesting what my old sites looked like so many years ago.

Its rather funny that I was making professional sites like (sadly still looks the same) at the same time as this.  I don't think any of my work is online anymore other than archives or  Considering I made my first site in 1996, I've come a long way.  Still I'm not in my prime anymore.  I don't have the patience that I had in my youth.  Like 28 is so old.  (WARNING THAT SITE CRASHES FIREFOX on my pc)  Even though there was a color clash, I just loved that site design.  The splash images are not there, but the index still is.  It was one of my last frames based sites.  I designed that in 1998.. i think february or so.  I was pretty depressed and you can tell by the use of blues.  That was the first time I went really into blue for a site.  It was also one of the first I did with 99% of my own graphics work.  I even made the background in photoshop.  It was just a few pixels. 

I looked at this after reading Laura's blog, a student in my eng 444 class.  She was a bit down on her progress with site design.  I remember spending hours trying to FTP up pages on AOL back in the day.  That was dumbed down a bit and i still struggled.  Using a modern FTP client like cuteftp pro or wsftp would have been a nightmare for me.  As much as it became a chore later, I miss working on my Jewel website.  The legal ramifications of running a site like that are just too much these days.  The RIAA breathing down everyone's necks and now I'm married.  Litigation would also hurt my wife.  I don't think people consider the legal ramifications of running a website.  All of the sites I run or host could be targeted potentially.  The law has been shifting toward business and away from free speech for a long time on the web.  Perhaps it only caught up with the web. 

I liked the design I did and I think the worst site was the Whaley Children's center site.  I did one for an auction they held and a coworker later took credit for it.  It wasn't bad for 2 hours notice.  Probably my best professional work ever was's gaming site that i once did was the most artistic, but had the most functionality.  I had that shopping cart tied in with UPS and some of the designs were good.  I particularly liked the last one.  I wish I could code like that these days.  I remember that hack job I did fixing golfrac's site.  Then there was the title companies site and that terrible insurance company. isn't my best design work but the customer loved it.  Its what he wanted. 

I find it amusing that I couldn't design the site because of the unions.  I still made it look better than all black text. 


12:31 AM - Nice

I turned in my rough draft today online for English 328.  I'm so happy that's already up.  I'm a bit burned out from all the homework this weekend so I think I'll take the day off and plan on a busy day tomorrow. 

I only got 2 hours of sleep last night.  Going to class was rough.  It was challenging to stay awake and attentive.  There was another accident on 94 but luckily on the other side of the road.  Oddly I think I was five minutes late today and I left 10 minutes earlier than usual.  Ugh. 

I'm not sure if I should make coffee or not.  Part of me is totally for it and the other part wants to take a nap. 


5:47 PM - (no subject)

I just bought a new monitor for $130 on  Its a 19 inch westinghouse widescreen with 700:1 contrast and only consumes 36 watts!  Its got a 5ms access time. 
