Lists all of the journal entries for the day.

Fri, 6 Oct 2006

12:02 AM - Idiot of the day

Today's idiot can be found on Yahoo!  My mother sent me this link

While the guy has a point about Sony not haivng a compelling reason for gamers to buy PS3, he complains about possible lack of hdmi.  He further goes onto complain that the wii will look poor on projectors or very large tvs above 50 inches!!!!!  So why is he an idiot?  I've never seen nintendo EVER suggest using a projection screen TV as they get screwed up when using game consoles!  Further, if someone could afford a 50+ inch HDTV they could afford an xbox 360 or ps3 anyway!  Finally, most consumers don't even have HDTV.  By the time the masses are on hidef, Nintendo will be ready for a new console anyway!  Hell who wants to play a video game on a 50in TV anyway.. hell i couldn't even take in half the action. 
