Lists all of the journal entries for the day.

Wed, 3 May 2006

9:19 AM - JJ Win client broken

The last JJ server update broke the windows and java clients.  I fucked up the moodlist! 


9:20 AM - Semester Grades

Grades finally appeared in Banner yesterday.

Operating Systems   A
Modern East Asia      BA
Physics 207   E
Discrete Math (attempt2) E   (last was D)
Physics 208 (lab for 207) CB


3:25 PM - DOH

This is not my day. I'm upgrading a laptop that is running xp sp2 by some miracle. Its a ~450mhz 96mb ram POS dell! Chad wants me to update OFFICE 2003 AND INSTALL .NET 2 on this MOFO!

location: Work



Things only get worse. I've got old ones that aren't registered. My windows xp 450mhz buddy is practically non responsive and swapping when i hit start!!!!!!!!

location: Work


4:00 PM - Mac training

I showed randy and nick some mac stuff today. Randy gets it better than nick so far. I don't think nick cares and randy wants to learn it. I've got 3 laptops going and need to remote 2 in 3 minutes. (thats the suxors)

Maybe i'll get the picture feature done someday. Wouldn't that be nice? I think so.

I should add picture support to the windows client. That would pown.

I hope caryn hears about her damn job today. I really want that to get resolved. I'm nervous about it. 3 days is bullshit.

I know i'm posting a lot but there's not much else to do. I had to use my network cable from the mac so i am sitting here with nothing to do. (could do mbsd stuff if i had the mac)

Shit its 4.

location: Work
