Lists all of the journal entries for the day.

Wed, 14 Dec 2005

10:59 AM - (no subject)

I passed all but one class.. its a miricle.

cs340: A
cs485: A programming langugages (thought i'd fail)
physics 205: DC
physics 206: A (lab)
stat 364: E


11:02 AM - power went out last night.. bastards

The fucking power went out last night. Its bad enough in the summer when there is no reason but when your furnace has an electric therostat its just bullshit! I bet it was those geek group motherfuckers. If I ever prove that, somebody's going to have a bad day.


11:03 AM - My Teeth: Episode 3

Well aside from the lack of sleep last night, i'm doing ok today. My teeth were quite soar but i got some meds now. :)

I'm craving pizza so bad today it ain't funny. Thats the first thing i'm going to eat as soon as i can. Liquid diets suck!
