Lists all of the journal entries for the day.

Wed, 26 Oct 2005

7:37 PM - Midterm and other fun

Well I finished my midterm for cs485 today. It didn't ask many LISP questions, but rather focued on parsing/lexical analysers and syntax analysers. I was done in less than 30 minutes. Dont' know if thats good or bad. Only referenced my notes once.

Skipped my first two classes since I woke up about 25 minutes before my stats class. Physics is a waste of time anyway. He gives us book problems and I could be reading instead.

I wrote up the notes for the midterm and went to that. After the test, I grabbed some food at the parkview cafe and went home to see caryn before my physics lab.

I've got the cvs almost setup for mbsd. Once that goes public i need to write some scripts for automating builds and building packages. Woo hoo. (chroot jails anyone?)

I'm stuck on this just journal bug. I've been talking to caryn about it. I found one solution but i don't like it that much.

Richard and I have been disagreeing on an issue again on the fg forum. His views remind me of some expressed in the class I took on women from a sociology perspective. Don't remember the title. Thought the argument was lame then. There are many counter arguments too. Essentially he said its in men's nature to be cheating sluts. Lame.

Had pizza for dinner and lunch. Getting to know it a little too well lately. Caryn's been doing a lot of home cooking lately overall though which has been nice.

I got through season 1 and 2 of dallas. I had already watched season 3 so i've seen the first 3 totally. Explains a lot that i never understood watching that show when i was little.


10:35 PM - Visual studio rots your brain?

I came across this article from a slashdot post tonight,

It talks about windows 1.0, and the 45,000 functions that make up .NET 2.0 counting all the class methods!


11:46 PM - Just Journal windows client

I found two bugs in the login code tonight. I've got my .NET windows jj client authenticating again against the server. Now I can work on the actual submission code.
