Lists all of the journal entries for the day.

Wed, 28 Sep 2005

10:16 AM - (no subject)

Have my assignment turned in for physics. Upgraded dovecot to the latest version so we actually have new imap code running finally! Rebooted my home router with a new build of samba. Haven't tried to use it yet. That will be interesting.

Caryn seems to like her new laptop. I'm thinking of just skipping phyics today since i have to 2 assignments (1 done) and a lab to deal with. How much time do i really need to give to one class? I have other work to do.

I'll probably hit the lab for awhile before lunch and work on my cs340 assignment a bit.

location: Home


2:51 PM - Son of a bitch

Ok so another asshole left fg today. What the hell is going on? I'm so close to just pulling the site down and killing the et process. Who gives a fuck if i do? Worse yet, what if we won the contest.. server free members none... there's some jar jar binks action for ya.
