Lists all of the journal entries for the day.

Fri, 29 Apr 2005

10:14 PM - Shit..

Well i just tried to login to JJ to get a null pointer exception. How lovely. Guess who needs to edit ALL the login boxes to fix the problem OR write some interesting servlet code.


Rick requested more changes to the website on that email form. I can't wait for more fun.

I have slept more in the last 24 hours than a cat! I woke up around 11am this morning which was about 12 hours. Went to work, came home, had 2 mudslides and then slept until 7:30 pm or so when i had dinner, fell back asleep and woke up around 9:30pm. wtf.

Now i can't sleep of course. I'll be going to bed again soon though.

On the up side, I got some work done on my HTTPD server project. Haven't done much with that since feburary. I ported it over to my sockets library. Its working fine. (well as good as before). I also figured out how i'm going to handle the queues. The actual code in the file has shrunk quite a bit! I'm happy about that. The next fun step is to write some logging code, get the response struct and related functions written, generalize the file request code so it actually WORKS. Right now it ALWAYS spits out index.html which has a hard coded path.

Java 1.5 was released for Tiger today. Quicktime 7 was released for Panther. (Mac OS X releases) Webobjects 5.2.4 was released for tiger!
