2:34 PM - Ick..
Well i'm really tired. I didn't sleep well last night. I tried to take a nap, but I didn't get much sleep then either. Caryn and I went to star bucks earlier and a java chip frap didn't even wake me up!
Just Journal's code base is coming along nicely. I hope to open source it soon. I hate "waiting" to open source it but since I was just starting to learn java at the time its REALLY bad code. My newer code isn't special either because i was away from java for almost a year. I'm starting to remember things though. The big issue is structuring the code, checking input better and getting the documentation done.
I went to cs224 today. I have to implement environment, built-in commands, pipes and redirection in my shell by some time next week. Thats going to suck.
I still have to work on the project too. I've been saying that all semester. I'm just to tired to do it today.
Caryn will be borrowing my laptop tomorrow for a presentation on cocoa. That will be nice. Unrelated i need to do a backup on the new jj code soon.
I am considering meshing in the auth code into the controllers as part of it is in a seperate class right now. Hmm...
Caryn went to get the mail.
The weather change has been nice. It was rather warm today for a change. I really hate cold weather.
Looks like most stocks are up today. I lost a lot of money recently. Probably because i have to pay for tuition soon. Bastards.