Lists all of the journal entries for the day.

Sat, 19 Mar 2005

6:00 PM - kewl

I got somewhere with JJ. I fixed about 10 mappings today so adding friends, ljfriends, etc works. I also added a new feature where you can view communities on LJ.

The website is working better in UNIX too. :) I'm using firefox in BSD right now.

I am coding in OSX of course. :)

I still can't seem to get log4j to kick in. I think its the preferences file. I'll get it figured out.. i did it 2 years ago.

I see a lot of bad dns entries in the logs.. damn third party resolvers.

friends and profile are still broken. They are hitting the mysql dont support shit bug. If i upgrade the version i can get it to work but i may lose all the php sites i'm hosting. its a tough one. I may try to rewrite the queries again. I've already tried once on the friends page. I wish i had time to learn webobjects. It could really speed up development. I bought a copy in january.

Caryn won't start using jj until i get the friends issue resolved and when my own wife won't use it, how can i expect others too.
