Lists all of the journal entries for the day.

Wed, 31 Dec 2003

1:57 PM - Yesterday...

Caryn and I drove to flint to visit Jenny. It was rather fun. We played games for hours. Quite nice. Gamecube and PSX games.

The pong game kicked my ass though.

location: Home


8:32 PM - Comment code rewrite

I rewrote the comment viewer today. Instead of JSP, I'm using a combination of maverick, XML, XSLT, JDOM, OPT Domify for maverick.

I haven't worked out the security stuff, so if an entry is private or friends it won't display the original entry. (which causes a bug in safari making everything a hyperlink)

I'll work on that later. I'm still new to the framework, but i really like it.

I rewrote that code in 1 day.. thats much faster than jsp/servlets for me.

I've got a lot of other stuff sitting on my drive waiting for integration.

location: Home
