Lists all of the journal entries for the day.

Sat, 4 Oct 2003

6:24 AM - Amazing Spider-man #74

I acquired Amazing Spider-man #74 for free yesterday. Its not mint, but considering it was read a lot and in a plastic bag with other comics for years collecting dust in a corner, it is in good shape.

Caryn and I had the reprints from the first five volume which include that issue.

Also in the bag was issue #73, but the cover is missing. There was an incredible hulk (cover looks like wolverine got pissed), some archie comics (very bad shape), conan the barbarian (black and white), some weird religious type books, and an original batman matchbox type car from the old 60s tv show.

I told the guy that they were probably worth something, but he just said I don't care. I wasn't going to argue with him.

Amazing Spider-man #74 in mint would be worth 70 bucks. (price guide from last month)

location: Home


6:32 AM - Dido

I agreed to a promotional deal for dido's new album on In exchange for a banner and a review, I get the new album for free. I already bought the White Flag single on the Apple Music Store. I listened to part of the album on there and it sounds good.

I normally don't do that stuff, but it made sense in this case. I like some of Dido's work. I also believe that other Jewel fans like Dido.

I've had a lot of neat ideas lately, but I don't see how I get others behind me.

location: Home


6:52 AM - Seti @ home

Last I checked, 112 units were submitted to seti @ home on my account. Team has in like 160. I've only had an account since march!

I have it installed on several computers of course.

location: Home


6:16 PM - Linux

I was playing around with my redhat install earier. Its rather weird sometimes. The firewall is toast, but all well. Its a POS anyway. (i have a firewall on the router anyway)

I couldn't get a dependant package to compile for KDE. I wanted to compile my own version instead of using the broken redhat version. KDE runs better on Mac OS X, but I think I know why. They seem to be using FreeBSD stuff in the project. Since Mac OS X 10.2 is based on FreeBSD 4.4 (and mach 3), it would be logical. Now 10.3 will have some code from the 5.x tree.

I really cleared some seti units today.. last i checked its at 115. I have 22 percent done on the apple (which takes forever) and the linux install halls ass. I've also got it setup in windows when i'm programming and occasionally i run it on the freebsd server under a low privledged user. The freebsd box can really do some shit. I use nice to lower the priority so the webserver doesn't slow down to much.

For those of you curious about nice, use man nice on a Unix like OS. (or do a google search)

location: Home
mood: Tired Tired
