Lists all of the journal entries for the day.

Sat, 12 Jul 2003

10:13 AM - Orientation

The orientation at WMU went ok. It was an orientation though.. that means it was a bit boring. I figured out where most things are. I have everything but my parking permit taken care of.

location: Home


10:13 AM - jj

I've been working very hard on JJ lately. In fact, I almost have RSS ready. The code is done, I am just having trouble integrating it into the display servlet (users). I only designed it for html which was stupid. I should be able to refit it soon.

I upgraded the mysql driver today too. Now I am running 3.08 instead of 2.0. Supposedly it is much faster. I noticed small queries are quicker but the users servlet seems slower to me.

location: Home
