Lists all of the journal entries for the day.

Wed, 9 Jul 2003

3:16 PM - Midnight Web Server (my webserver software)

I got a few new features working today on my webserver. First, I have enabled the ability to bind to a specific ip address instead of all of them on the box. I also cleaned up the formatting of the directory listings a bit. I'm about to test that now.

I also upgraded all the methods that were deprecated in earlier versions of java. The server is now designed for java 1.4.

location: Home


9:34 PM - Midnight Web Server Update

I finished working on the webserver for tonight.. i spent almost the entire day on it. I have a logging system designed and half coded to replace the cheesy println stuff in there now. Right now it only logs the client ip, date/time (in java format), and the INTERNAL uri that the file was requested on. (another words the path to the files on the physical file system and not the virtual root).

The code i wrote tonight isn't quite right, but its a start. Basically I am trying to create an object factory to make loggers.. the idea is to support multiple logging formats in an OO style. Until recently, I didn't even know for sure what an object factory did (other than the obvious).

If anyone is following me so far, the reason I am going to so much trouble is the fact that I want to support a large number of websites eventually.. like say 500+. For 50 sites, it would make sense to have a seperate log going for each one.. by using the factory I can do this. Now 500, that would be plain stupid.. most large hosting companies create one long and then parse it to seperate the different customers. I will probably create a special class to log large sites eventually. Maybe i could even create a utility program with the distro to seperate them?

On another front, I want to create a class for the http headers.. the current system is fast, but very confusing... also I have to repeat code in a number of places.. its not OO at all.

I am thinking about creating an object cache in the server like Jigsaw has (well sort of). It caches documents in memory for the entire website.. my plan is to simply cache recent documents or documents that are frequently accessed (user configurable).

I also need to add CGI capabilities.

location: Home


9:43 PM - Other stuff

I will be attending an orientation with caryn on friday for WMU. I'll get my student id, etc on that day.

I plan on implementing some new stuff on JJ this weekend too. Hopefully I'll get the comments done.. i've been rethinking my original idea.. but i think I will just go with it and come up with a better system later.

I need to think from a NON database point of view on this one.

I also need to lookup how to handle time zones.. JJ shows up with Pacific time and my webserver is using EST on my mac. Webservers must use UTC time for logging and timestamps on files. Since both projects need the code, I will probably bump up the priority.

location: Home
mood: Tired Tired
