Sat, 3 Jan 2004

1:30 AM - Calendar is fixed!

I fixed the calendar problem. One of my classes assumed that java would count months starting at 1. Since its january, that was bad!

While I was in the code, I optimized it and added mood icons and security icons like the recent entries and friends pages.

I also added code to let you look at previous years entries.

That code is behind with friends security. It should only display public entries to someone on your friends list. I'll fix this soon.

I also did some research and found several bugs in mysql and tomcat 5. Those issues could cause unexpected behavior in jj. I'm trying to make the code more robust to report errors and deal with them gracefully. I've had to add checks for conditions that should never happen which slows down the site, but at least it doesn't crash the site!

I also tuned the java runtime parameters to speed things up. Java can take advantage of optimizations in the server vm and a few other memory settings.