Mon, 23 Jul 2007

12:35 PM - Fixes for Just Journal

I'm working on several problems that have developed as a result of some new features I added to the site.

I've removed the floating window for subscriptions to RSS feeds. I've got another idea in mind that should minimize the space required but use less javascript. This should make journal pages load faster.

I'm currently experimenting with the login page to make it load quicker. Logins are tremendously slow due to the JJ changes feature. I will probably back that out.

The site has been very slow in general lately. Part of this was a change with the size of the buffers used on the site. I've made the buffers much smaller which should fix the outlining problems with the servlets.

There are still two critical issues that need to be addressed. Primarily, the bug with Apple's safari browser where headers are randomly displayed to the client. I have not seen this behavior with any other website. I have been unable to track down the cause. I can even run just journal on a Mac that is older than the server and it is significantly faster and no headers are shown. I believe it is related to apache 2.2.x and the mod_proxy_ajp connector, although it could also be another problem. The other issue I will hold off on discussing.

The site might be up and down a few times today as I work on it.