Lists all of the journal entries for the day.

Sat, 26 Apr 2008

2:13 PM - New version of Just Journal

I just published an updated version of just journal. I've been working on it for awhile, but just got an opportunity to finish it.


Half the code for tags is now implemented. You can see the tag place holders. I need to add the code to add tags when submitting a blog entry next.

Just Journal now supports RSD (Really Simple Discovery). This should allow some blogging clients to "find" the xml-rpc interfaces (like blogger api) on Just Journal.

The stats on the front page now using fixed floating point numbers so it should be much closer to adding up to 100% for public/private/friends entries. I made use of the String.format method in java.

There are some fixes for Dashboard users. Entries now assume you want comments, and emails on comments for entries.

Some error messages were fixed and I've added more logging on the comment feature to track down some bugs that seem to randomly manifest themselves.

tags: blog software justjournal


5:43 PM - Microsoft Windows Live Writer

I've added partial support for the MetaWeblog API today.  You can use that in combination with Windows Live Writer to post blog entries on Just Journal in addition to our own client. 

The post URL is

When it asks for the homepage or whatever, use the URL to your blog.  It is something like  Replace yourusername with your user name :)

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