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Thu, 13 Dec 2007

5:05 PM - Blogger API 1.0 + extensions

Just Journal now implements the Blogger 1.0 API with two exceptions.

The official blogger API
implements the following methods:

blogger.newPost: Makes a new post to a designated blog. Optionally, will publish the blog after making the post.

blogger.editPost: Edits a given post. Optionally, will publish the blog after making the edit.

blogger.getUsersBlogs: Returns information on all the blogs a given user is a member of.

blogger.getUserInfo: Authenticates a user and returns basic user info (name, email, userid, etc.).

blogger.getTemplate: Returns the main or archive index template of a given blog.

blogger.setTemplate: Edits the main or archive index template of a given blog.

We support everything except the template functions.  We also have getRecentPosts and getPost which are not part of the official API, but implemented in many third party blogging apps from Six Apart to Wordpress.  There are not many standards on what to support in those but the bare minimum is content, dateCreated.  We also support some of the extensions for six apart software in our implementation.  You should be able to use and with clients that support Blogger 1.0.  Ecto for windows is working (although titles are not right and we don't support delete yet).  Blogger 1.0 does not even support titles so it's no shock that the protocol can't handle it. 

We still recommend the Just Journal windows client for posting on Windows, but there are advantages to other clients and we want users to have choice.  This will also help Mac users who don't wish to use our dashboard widget and open source fans.  I'm currently working with a gnome based client in BSD. 

We are researching other APIs for possible inclusion including Movable Type and Metaweblog.  There's a possibility we might adopt our own xml-rpc protocol too.  I'm thinking about it. 
