Lists all of the journal entries for the day.

Sun, 12 Mar 2006

6:09 PM - Recent changes on JustJournal

I've been focusing my attention on making Just Journal a full open source project. Many bugs have been fixed and I'm want the code to be reusable.

The add links feature is almost complete. I've been testing it on a few accounts and it will be released soon.

RSS feeds are now more standards compliant. I'm also investigating some new code that may allow me to offer RSS1 and RSS 2 feeds along with better support for the feed reader (syndication) feature.

I now have a donation button on the first page. All donations will go to making improvements in just journal, paying server and ssl certificate costs and hopefully buying a new server for just journal. Accounts are still free, but if you want to donate its now an option.

I've started planning a photo gallery feature. There are some issues including the java image libraries tend to only work on linux, solaris or windows. (see donation paragraph above) My plan is to buy a sun server someday. In the mean time, I can still allow image uploads but can not generate thumbnails, etc.

I've talked with a few users and the most notible feature request was a photo gallery and the ability to embed content to specific journal entries. Also requested were better input, search and ease of use improvements.

Finally, i've made great progress toward making the email comment notification code to work. It works for my email addresses now and i figure some changes on the mail server should finish that.

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