Lists all of the journal entries for the day.

Fri, 19 Dec 2003

7:56 PM - Better Security

Just Journal now uses 1 way hash encryption to protect passwords. Basically your password is not stored anymore, but rather a hash of it. (a 40 bit hex number representation) I can't give out passwords anymore but i can still reset them.

The reason for the change is so that if someone hacks into the mysql database, they can't get your password. Some people use the same password at multiple sites. This is a new trend in web site security. Logins were down for the last two hours for some users as the passwords were hashed and the code was uploaded.

I still need to fix create accout to use the new hash system.

I also wrote code to change passwords. I'll get that live this weekend.

location: Home


8:01 PM - Comment system

I fixed the comment system. Entries now consistantly appear. I'm planning on adding some management capabilities for journal owners soon.

location: Home


10:12 PM - Change Passwords

Users can now change their password. Go to preferences while you are logged in to change your password. Remember passwords must be larger than 5 characters.


(special characters may work, but i won't guarantee i'll support it forever)

location: Home
