12:37 AM - Mood Icons
I've accomplished a great deal tonight with the mood icons. The icons are now displaying for seven root categories and are inherited by sub categories. There are 28 total root categories which means 21 need icons for all moods to have icons.
I have the icons working for individual journals and friends pages. Previously, no icons appeared on friends pages.
In addition, I fixed the bug where "Not Specified" appeared for location and mood. Those fields now only appear if the user selected a valid item.
The new mysql version is slower and the additional overhead of mood icons has slowed down the site. I'll work on optimizations over the next week. I started consolidating code in september, but the college semester through me off track.
During my break I hope to fix all the outstanding bugs and broken features that the public knows about. I want to get spell check and friends security working.
I also need to work on another site I actually get paid for so i might not get everything done during break.
The spell check engine has worked since august but i never created the jsp pages to use it.
location: Home
mood: Tired